
The Northey Arms Boules Club is a community boules club that raises enough money through membership and adhoc events to support its day to day running and investment in facilities. Small grants have been pursued for the latter in appropriate cases. 

There is generally no charge for the clubs main playing events, so members decided at an early stage in the clubs existence to make charity donations at these events. The members decide to support  a different charity each year. Nominations are made at or about the time of the AGM and a vote taken to determine the charity for that calendar year. Most have been chosen because they are or have been very relevant to someone close to our hearts.

  • 2024 Bath Cancer Support Group
  • 2023 Rett UK.
  • 2022  The Brain Tumour Charity.
  • 2021  We again decided to continue our support for the Wiltshire Air Ambulance charity.
  • 2020  We have decided to support the Wiltshire Air Ambulance charity but with monies raised during the Chairmans Vs Sponsors game to be donated to Niamh’s charity.
  • 2019  We elected to support two charities supporting the needs of our own members and managed to raise a total of £680 split between: 
  • >Niamh’s charity. NiamhRETTchange
  • >Huntingdon’s Disease Association (HAD).
  • 2018  The chosen charity for 2018 was Guide Dogs for the Blind and a fantastic £1138 was raised during the year.
  • 2017 Dorothy House. A total of £1,304.17 was raised throughout the year and a cheque presented to Yvonne Bruton at the annual dinner in November 2016
  • 2016  Wiltshire Air Ambulance. A total of £965.32 was raised throughout the year and  a cheque presented at the annual dinner in November 2016
  • 2015 Aurora Breast Cancer Charity. A total of £490.00 was raised throughout the year for this charity.